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Lauren was chosen out of a few select students in her school to attend the C*STEM Challenge kickoff at TSU. She is a GT student (Gifted & Talented) and in 5th grade.
This little girl never ceases to amaze me! She is so smart and you can tell she loves learning and school. Okay, well maybe she doesn't LOVE school but she is very accomplished and very focused. I am excited about all the opportunities that have come her way and at the age of 10.
The Challenge kicks off the countdown to the National Competition May 8, 2010 at the George R Brown Conventions Center. Lauren sat through an hour presentation and was given several handouts on the competition. She was excited to attend this kickoff in its college setting.
That makes me one happy Mom! I can not wait to see what great achievements Lauren will have in her future.
The 2010 CSTEM Challenge Categories:
CSTEMbreak (social media)
Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
Creative Writing
CSTEMbreak (social media)
Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
Creative Writing
Wow..thats amazing!!
You have every right to be a proud mom!!
Yep, that's my Little Angel Girl...give her a big Grandma Colorado hug and tell her how proud of her. While your giving out hugs be sure to add one for you and my Little Peanut :) Love you mucho, Momma
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